Rocknoceros truman coyote

Words are what I write
all day and night
I type my words.
Words belong in
poems, books, and songs.
I long for words.
Colonel Purple Turtle
keeps a purple turtle journal.
I take words
and set them free
for everyone to read.
Verbs with tenses
forming sentences,
all made from words.
Austen, Shakespeare, Dr. Seuss
used words
droll and obtuse .
Novel publications painting novel situations.
Words like birds
they flock together
Oh, I love my words.
Oh, I love my words.
Oh, I love my words.
I write my books and sign them Truman Coyote
that’s how the readers know it’s me.
I write my books and sign them Truman Coyote
that’s how the readers know it’s me.
I write my books and sign them Truman Coyote
that’s how the readers know it’s me.
I write my books and sign them Truman Coyote
that’s how the readers know it’s me.