Rokia Traore dounia

The world is sà ́gà ́ma taman yé
Fadjiri will be the light of the moon
Dow katchan
O dow katchan
Dow lou ma bà ́ niokon fà ̈ fà ̈nà ̈
Hà ̈ra télé bà ̈fà ́ manioumako
Télé kà ́
Bà ́nà ̈ tà ́lé bà ̈ fà ́ nisodia télé kà ́
Bà ̈n tél bà ̈ fà ́ binbalia tél kà ́
Bà ̈n tél bà ́ nisodia tél kà ́
Djon badon
O djon badon
Djon bito leave the future
Sé ban you and
Djon who will be the country< br/>Dounia is a sà ́gà ́ma aunt
This tà ́kà ́ bà ́ bà ̈la sénibi is
Dounia is a sà ́gà ́ma aunt
Abà ̈fà ́ i yé ko
Djon badon
O djon badon
Djon bito left tomorrow lakodon
Sà ̈ ba ou yé kafa and yada kà ́
The world is bright
The dawn will come and the moon will shine
A ou ma lampiri Mandé komà ̈ wa
Sogolon diata
Naré Maghan Diata Mandé diata
There's nothing like
Dow katian
O dow katian
It's not like I'm going to be alone
à doun kà ̈lén ka farafinou
Yà ̈rà ́souma sa
Dounia is a strong man
Fadjiri is coming the moon is coming
The moon is coming
The moon is coming
Dow manakà ̈ diyala
There are some of them
Wili and nouan
There are some of them manakà ̈ goyala
There are some of them
Wili and nouan ©
Sou manakà ̈ diyala
O sou na kalo bi
Wili ni nouan yé
Sou manakà ̈ goyala
I sou na kalo bi
Wili ni nouan yé
Dow again
Dow mandi