Ron non abbiam bisogno di parole

Now come here and gently close your eyes
you will see that the sadness will pass, the rest then who knows....
it will come tomorrow.
I want to stay with you, kiss your hands and tell you that
in this time where everything passes, where everything changes,
we are still here...
and we don't need of words
to explain what is hidden at the bottom of our hearts
but I will lift you up every time you fall
and I will pick up your flowers that you will lose along the way
and I will follow your flight without ever interfering
because what I want is to be together with you
without chains being together with you.
Come closer and let your hair down my love
The sun caresses you I caress you too
And you are a red rose.
Come closer and light this fire my love
and all fears will burn
now let yourself go.
And we don't need words
to explain what is hidden at the bottom of our hearts
but I will lift you up every time you fall
and I will collect your flowers that on the way you will lose
and I will follow your flight without ever interfering
because what I want is to be together with you
without chains, to be together with you.
Because what I want is to be together with you
without chains, to be together with you