Room 101 girl i love

Room 101
Girl I Love
I never thought, you’d be the one.
I never thought, you’d be the one I love.
After all of this, I want and miss.
I’d do anything, for another goodnight kiss.
All I want, is you, in my arms.
If it wasn’t your heart, if it wasn’t the eyes,
It was your kiss, that made me realize,
You’re the one, I’ll always love,
That's a promise, always to be kept.
Once I saw, your pretty face
I suddenly knew, and I was in a haze
I just want you, you’re all I need.
To live in this life, and be happy.
I’ll wait forever, and a day.
To be with you, I want as I lay.
No matter what, we do or don’t
Stop loving you? I sure won’t.
You may hurt, and break me down.
And I may show, a horrible frown.
But deep down, In my heart.
You’ll be the one, who still owns that heart.
You always will, no matter what.
When I think of you, It hurts my gut.
All I want, is you, in my arms.
I hope one day, we’ll have another kiss.
Even though, it’ll make me miss, you more.
When I think of us, not together,
It makes me feel, so hurt and sore.
But one day, we’ll meet again,
I’m sure I’ll love you, even more after then.
No matter what, they say or do.
Just remember, I do love you.