Rosenstolz frauen schlafen nie elektro pop mix

Do you have a light
I ask
whenever I'm lonely
I fall off the chair then
if he
hasn't seen me yet
and if necessary I jump into the pool
an effective trick
Women never sleep
they always go hunting
never miss their target
Women never sleep
always ready to jump
Men have a lot of them
I buy a drink
I tip it over his shirt
I wash it the stain out
full of gratitude
he smiles in my face
I'm already rubbing my hands
it's catching my eye
Women never sleep< br/>they always go hunting
never miss their target
women never sleep
always ready to jump
men have a lot
And if so that doesn't work
even then I get close to him
I'll just rip open my blouse
he thinks that's wonderful
Women never sleep...