Rossi Vasco vivere una favola

Rossi Vasco
There are those who say no
Living a fairy tale
Look, look at it, look at the city 
how many things that seem bigger, seem heavy.
Look how many truths, how many, all here
how many, how many who run happily, look in the meadows.
What I wouldn't do, I don't want to run and you don't laugh
what I wouldn't give to be on a cloud .
The city is big, big, look at it
big news, fast cars, more capable people.
Look at how many companies, how many, you don't know,
how many win, others die, I don't know...
What I wouldn't do, I don't want to lose, don't laugh
What I wouldn't give to live on an island.
What I wouldn't do, I don't want to lose, I don't laugh
What I wouldn't give to live a fairy tale.

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