Roswell Six ishalem

Ishalem, Ishalem, Ishalem
Ancient city of legends and hope
Ship upon a lost shore
Sacred faiths tied to one another
Strain against each other.
Walls enclose and yet divide
Sow the gold of glory,
Feed the fires of faith,
Claim the heart, the heart of truth,
Reap the harvest of hate.
Ishalem, Ishalem, Ishalem
Streets are scoured clean by salty winds
Windows glitter like colored gems
Turrets sparkle with gold
Canals like silver ribbons
Lead us to the heart of all
Sow the gold of glory,
Feed the fires of faith,
Claim the heart, the heart of truth,
Reap the harvest of hate.
Pilgrims journey to behold you,
Home of wisdom, pure and true,
Even eagles flying high
They can’t see all your majesty.
Towers rise beside the sea
Standing guard against our foes
No merchant can buy you
No scholar can know you
No priest can bend your will
No ...
Sow the gold of glory,
Feed the fires of faith,
Claim the heart, the heart of truth,
Reap the harvest of hate.
A careless spark and ready blame
Consume the ancient walls in flame.
And so the wae begins ...