Royal Prospect hearts

I wrote a song for you,
The last thing I would do
Before I'm closing my mind
To give me hope for a change
Another reason and arrange
So many secrets we never explained
In every heart there is
A place for the missed
But I don't wanna see you fall
A sky of blue and red, are colors in my head
From the simple drought to the greatest sea
Threehundred and sixty degrees, so many things you showed me
But I don't mean dark really made a mark
I said close my eyes so I can see
In every heart there is
A place for the missed
But I don't wanna see you fall
In my mind I'm sure
You stand upon a pillar of gold
Higher than the rest
I took this line again, but now I've lost my friend
Shooting me out of the gun
First thing on the limits in time
Seeing figurines that's mine
Shooting me out of the gun
Shooting my out of the day
In every heart there is
A place for the missed
But I don't wanna see you fall
In my mind I'm sure
You stand upon a pillar of gold
Higher than the rest