Saltatio Mortis galgenbalade

Oh, brothers, let's just float here on the rope.
We've had enough of the dog's life for a long time.
We've never laid in the white bed.
It just kept us warm a black rain
Eaten by the wind
And scraped by the worm
From our strangled necks whistled
The dreams still that do not understand
That too the world has an end
There are green thistles in the bowels
They may like the living well
Because it is so white and so smooth
When the owl in the forest screams three times
The devil isn't far away either
When the owl screams three times in the forest
The devil isn't far away either
Why should the black devil come for us
Never stole from the poor
Even the king doesn't enjoy this
He only loves schnapps and his big speeches
He has people praying for him in the churches
And lies down on the grass with God's lamb
When the owl screams three times in the forest
The devil is not far away either
When the owl screams three times in the forest
Neither is the devil more far
As we are frying in our fat today
Consider your misdeeds, you won't be able to get rid of them so easily
Snow will soon fall on your hair
Then you too lie on a stretcher
Small and ugly like in mother's lap
When the owl hoots three times in the forest
The devil is not far away either
When in the forest the owl screams three times
The devil isn't far away either
And when the devil came at midnight he rode straight out of his hellish kingdom
The rogues were quickly cut off
/>And threw them into the pond with the fish