Saltatio Mortis wachstum ber alles feat das niveau

growth über everything a level Remake
Driven by the desire for growth
Initially it was just a field
Today we only supply Germany
Tomorrow the whole world
Our fertilizer is limitless< br/>Every leaf becomes gigantic
Every flower weighs a kilo
Competitors and customers: flat
Our fertilizer is limitless
Every leaf becomes gigantic
You can also order 50 Kilo
The level never gives a discount
Growth, growth above all
Above all in the world
Let us all strive for that
Until the last blossom falls
Ganja, dope, marijuana
Is it what lights up the world
Growth, growth above all
About everything in the world
More power than the Mexicans
/>Whoever challenges us pays with blood
Goodbye, Colombian cartel
Even Heisenberg takes off his hat
Everything continues to grow without limits
Until the whole world withers away
Let's walk over the clouds
Until the last embers burn out
The plantation grows without limits
from the Meuse to the Belt
It's not about the margin
Just so that everyone is wide
OCB, tip, grass and fire
Are pledges of intoxication
Bloom, oh plant, our happiness
Fill the bag to the brim
Bloom, oh plant, our happiness
Fill the bag to the brim
/>Bloom, oh plant, our happiness
Fill your head to the brim