Santos Lulu tempos modernos

Santos Lulu
Last Romantic
Modern Times
(Lulu Santos)
I see life better in the future
I see it over a wall
br/>Of hypocrisy
That insists on surrounding us
I see life fuller and clearer
Full of all satisfaction
To which one has the right
From the firmament to the ground
I want to believe in love in a good way
May this apply to anyone
What to accomplish
The strength that has a passion
I see a new beginning of an era
Of fine, elegant and sincere people
With skill
To say yes more than no
Today time flies love
br/>It runs through your hands
Even without feeling it
And there is no time to come back, love
Let's live everything there is to live
Let's allow ourselves
André Velloso - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[email protected]