Sara Lofgren aldrig

You should know that nothing can improve what you've done
no sorry, I'm sorry can be enough
For so long
I fight so hard,
that all the love that I had actually died
Oh all that I feel
under the surface it burns
Never, Never
will I forgive you
for you took the very best that was inside me< br/>Never, never
I'll come back to you
No, my back is the last thing you'll see of me
You should know that I cried salty tears for you
maybe hoping you would understand
But your world was never the same world
the rest of us lived in
we probably never wanted in the same direction
Oh all the things I feel
under the surface it burns
Never, Never
I will forgive you
for you took the very best that was inside of me
Never, never
I will come back to you
No, my back is the last thing you see of me
It's over now
there's no more love
It's dark as far as I can see
Yes I want out now
can't stay
need air now
here I stand naked
ohohoh Never, Never
will I forgive you
because you took it all best that was inside me
Never, never
I'll come back to you
No, the back is the last thing you see of me
the back is the last thing you see of me< br/>yes, the back is the last thing you see