Schandmaul pakt

From the first moment I saw you, I wanted to go with you forever. But your heart only beat for this one man, this adventurer who can never swear loyalty to you. And the longing for you grew Day after day I knew neither in nor out, my purpose in life was gone, until one night the devil appeared to me of want, half I included she to educate!
Show yourself here Take me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine My soul is then yours
Show yourself here Take me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine Mine Soul is then yours
And so I made this pact under the cover of the night That you will become my slave and be my wife forever But since that fateful night my soul is gone and my love has no meaning
Show you here Bring me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine My soul is then yours
Show yourself here Take me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine My soul is then yours
Show yourself here Take me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine My soul is then yours
Show yourself here Take me to her Let me be your servant And her love for mine My soul is then yours < br/>c