Scribe judge bread

Order in the court please, his excellency Judge Bread has presided. Please state your case with grace and coherence.
I didn't do it!
Quiet! Or I'll choke you to death!
I didn't do it! I was just...
You shall compose yourself before speaking to the chair.
We have a murderer in our midst...
We must not allow ourselves to be swayed by the beating heart
We must throttle the spawn of evil with our bare hands!
Think of all that we mirror, your excellency. Think of mercy.
Think of nothing but maggots devouring your carcass
The likes of you must be poisoned and thrown to vultures!
Oh damnation!
For all this pain and all this suffering in silence
Oh salvation!
I'm really just God... with a murder weapon.
This world is never the same place, and never the same kind, that'll ever defy me!
I am the one God, the one benighted, the one absolution.
I am the Titan. I am Prometheus. I am Poseidon.
I am Samson. I am Morpheus. I am Goliath.
I am the father. I am the son. And the unholy spirit.
I am the one God. The one absolution. I am creation.
Tonight is when we inherit the ashes from the sky!
Please help me!
How did you get here? Guards guards!
Please help me, please! My eyes have been taken away your. The light from my world has been dimmed to blackness!
There you are, you insufferable wretch! I will tear the life out of you like flesh from bone!
No! I am real! I am real! My beating heart begs for clemency! Let me live!
A plague upon your heart!
Sic semper tyrannus!
The scourge of unidentifiable human objects possessing the mark of Teja has led to the complete upheaval of the judicial system and implementation of Law. The obvious disarray in front of you is no illusion. It is the unfortunate outcome. Induced apocalypse is the only way to its conclusion. May the power of good be with us so we can be resurrected again. You are advised to immediately proceed to the nearest synagogue, tomb or preferred place of worship. We hope you die a painless death.
I am the Titan. I am Prometheus. I am Poseidon.
I am Samson. I am Morpheus. I am Goliath.
I am the father. I am the son. And the unholy spirit.
I am the one God. The one absolution. I am creation.