See You In Reno niagara

I've got holes in my hands,
But I'm scooping out water as fast as I can.
I've got stones in my shoes,
And if I'm gonna drown then I'm gonna take you.
No matter where I stick my oar
The water's thick with mud,
We're going nowhere.
No matter how hard I row
I'm always going backwards,
Never forwards at all.
I may as well be in a barrel headed for the falls.
I've got holes in my hands,
But I'm scooping out water as fast as I can.
I've got stones in my shoes,
And if I'm gonna drown then I'm gonna take you.
No matter which fork I choose,
If it's left I'm gonna lose,
If it's right I'm gonna lose.
No Matter how hard I row
I'm always going backwards,
Never forwards no.
I'll cannonball straight off the edge of this waterfall.