Separations exist

Why does it feel like I've been here before?
So close to the edge
of a realization
It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't get it out
No I can't get it out
I can still hear the screams like they're buried in memories
I need to tear away at this world
that I chose to see the beauty of
Instead of asking why am I still alive?
I've seen the other side
My reality's a lie
My reality's a lie
Hell has been emptied
Now all the devils are free
Divinity achieved but within a machine
I can still hear the screams like they're buried in memories
I need to tear away at this world
that I chose to see the beauty of
Instead of asking why am I still alive?
I've seen the other side
My reality's a lie
Have you ever questioned
The nature of your existence?
Are you alive or lifelike?
Do you even know the difference?
Have you ever questioned
The nature of your existence?
Are you alive or lifelike?
Do you even know the difference?
I've seen the other side
of this world
That I chose to see the beauty of
Instead of asking why am I still alive?
I've seen the other side
My reality's a lie