Separatist closure

In violent seizures of unending desperation
As mankind dissolves into the void
Monuments to our own frailty
Waiting inanimate for a god without a voice
We sing, breathless, for our final absolution
With prayers to the insatiable empyrean
These flames climb and lick my blistered skin
The vile prayers of my fellow man lifted up to the unhearing sky
Their voices slowly dissipating as their bodies succumb
Their flesh receding and limbs wilting under this sea of consuming fire
Until the only sound that remains is my own breathe dissolving
My own heartbeat slowing down
In the jarring silence of this monumental failure
My lips utter a soundless atonement to the God I once knew
As my skin withers and bones return to dust
Grace finds me here, as my final breath departs
I’m ready to come home