Serpent Crown conjuring of the damned

Sorcery, infernal lust, witchery
Shall not be misread.
Maleficiium, is immanent,
Necromancy wakes the dormant dead.
Omens, are sinister,
Augers say with their glowing eyes.
Sacrifice, is imminent,
The innocent will not survive.
Voices from the fire
Call your name
Lords of the Netherworld
Demand their pay
Voices from the fire
Shall be fed
To cross to the netherworld
Land of the Dead!
Immolate, obfuscate,
Falling to the claws of time.
Relentless, such bloodlust
insatiable, cannot be denied.
Oracles, they prophesize
Myriad visions of despair
Maleficence impending
Fall into the sorcerer's lair.
Repeat Chorus
Sacrifice, is immanent
The innocent shall be consumed.
Sacrifice is immanent
The innocent led to their doom.