Sevara Nazarkhan orik gullaganda

Buds adorning the branches
In the morning he said to light the horse of life
Light, light, light
The vassal stands in the stream, the first sugar
He took away the flowery belly
Light, light, light
br/>Every spring it happens again
Every spring goes like this
No matter how hard I try
Years deceive me yor
Yor, yor, yoreymana
Here is my soul for you, world, world, flower, flower
Take as much as you can squeeze
Be happy with everything
Stay in this country until you die
Soul is this for life stay on the ground
Every spring it happens again
Every spring goes like this
No matter how hard I try
Years deceive me yor
Yor, yor, Yoreymana
No matter how hard I try, it's useless
The years are deceiving me
Yor, yor, yoreymana