Seven Thorns you re not brave if you are not scared

Searching for hope.
Endless damnation is hunting me.
I'm not afraid for my life,
I fear eternity.
'Cause it's right now that I'm living.
Who know's what live is bringing to me,
pleasure or pain, it wouldn't chance my game.
Don't fear the dark.
Nobody is out there to get my soul.
Happiness is not my dream,
it is my destiny.
The future, it is ahead of me.
Freedom is right in front me to take.
It's so easy, just be yourself,
so don't hide, enjoy your life!
Reach for heights, you only dream of.
So, don't hide. Enjoy your life!
Don't be afraid. Enjoy today!
If it feels lie you're alone,
there is one thing that you need to know:
You're not brave, if you're not scared.
There is no reason to hold back.
Danger's lurking everywhehre.
You're not brave, if you're not scared.