Shadow Realm let there be blood

You better look out, day turns to night when you rise!
Have you ever thought why those bodies are losing souls?
Why you've goned paranoid? Why is this strategy to kill?
Like a final solution you've turned into a Nazi war machine
You wanted this war to kill humanity and wash away...
Have I heard your lies- yes! How many times have you tried us?
How many times you lead us? Into your wrong selfish fight
Leave your ego, leave your pride. Let there be light
How many days have to pass and how many nights?
Come on- come on, high up your eyesights
Sky is full of black kites and gone deepest black like moonless night...
We all have heard the news and we know what is in your mind
I you think we are scared of that then you must be blind
But you know and I know and what's what it will all end with tears
Hand on to what you know you've got
The madness stops right here
Let... There... Be... Blood