Shawn Snyder happy story

Perhaps we were not perfect
Perhaps it wasn't right
Perhaps if we had one more day
We would not even last the night
Now all is said and done
There's not a moment I regret
The travesty, well that would be
If we had never met.
And so we close the book
Upon another chapter
A finely-folded dog ear in the page
To return to it here after.
I can only seem to write a song
When things come to an end
I guess emotions hit the most
Heading back around the bend.
They say that love knows not its depths
'til the moment you were leaving
Perhaps I'm just confusing love
With sentimental grieving.
But you were never one
For all that sentimental stuff
Still these feelings that I'm feeling now
They're at least as deep as love.
So I sit and write this song
And things come to their end
Say goodbye to you as lover
Hope you'll always be my friend.
So we close the book
Upon another chapter
At least we had a happy story
If not an ever after.