Shriekback soft estate

I'm on the wet stuff now
I got the suit of sound
down on the the Soft Estate.
I ran the voodoo down
I ran the thing to ground
Upon the Soft Estate.
I tracked the mau-mau hounds
Upon the grassy mound
they call the Soft Estate.
Down in the sunken garden
At the primrose hour
there is the Soft Estate.
On the staircase treads the lover,
on the yew tree sets the sun.
Faithless. boneless, somewhat Other:
Soft Estate for everyone.
I keep a hot canoe
You kinda liked it too
upon the Soft Estate.
I will receive these blessings
when the moon turns blue
behold the Soft Estate.
I gotta bone-deep sorrow
but the beat goes on
down on the Soft Estate
Maybe a grand delusion
but it wont take long.
How sweet the Soft Estate!
Listless as the ragged roses
All have bloomed but none remain.
Seething wreckage on the river
Soft Estate and home again...
The night it has a thousand eyes;
the air is full of our cries
(and still the fact remains).
all along we were licking at the light
and clawing at the roots
and waking in the night
all startled at the sound
and reeling at the sight:
all the information:
limitless and liminal...