Sick Animation alligator aids

I hate it when girls try to suck my dick.
Everywhere I go, I'm sick of it.
I got a girlfriend, please leave me alone,
Hey lady! (psst, what's your cellphone?)
Number, number, number, number.
I got alligator AIDS.
When I had sex with a scaly motherfucker at the gay parade.
He put his eggs in my leg, what should I say?
Do I stand there or walk away?
I better walk away! WOO!
Let's get one thing straight,
It's crazy hard to drink chardonnay off of a plate.
Slup, slup, slup, slup yea.
But it sure feels great, drinking like a high-class kitten at the party.
I got more goat teeth than motherfucking Kurt Cobain got a motherfucking goatee.