Silverstein born dead

You call this a privalige?
No, i call this a right
There's no respect for life
No compromising
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So sit behind your desk and tell me how I'm supposed to feel inside
You know I'm slowly dying how long i have left is for you to decide.
We keep on suffering everyday
We're victims of opportunity
One nation under God, they said
We are all born dead
Dead and rotting bodies fill the
Fields in the east
There's no respect for life, it never stops
Is this what makes us free?
So flex your muscle as you barricade the whole world piece by piece
How long until the ocean overflows into our yards and streets?
We keep on suffering everyday
We're victims of opportunity
One nation under God, they said
We are all pawns, we are all sheep, we are all born, Dead!
We can't escape this
Watch as we unify as one
I'll fight the sickness
Until our time has come
We keep on suffering everyday
We're victims of opportunity
One nation under God, they said
We are all born dead
We keep on suffering everyday
We're victims of opportunity
One nation under God, they said
We are all pawns, we are all sheep, we are all born dead