Skank saideira

There's a different place
There after the nightcap
Whoever's into kissing, kisses
Whoever's into fighting, capoeira
There's a different place
br/>There after the nightcap
There are men who turn into monkeys
And women who turn into nuns
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Boss, buddy
Go down one more round
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Boss, buddy
Go down one more round
There's a different place
There after the nightcap
There's a flag that collects
There's a flag that flies
There's a different place
br/>La after a nightcap
Ã^ having a cold one
That can cure drunkenness
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Manager , friend
Go down one more round
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Boss, friend
Go down one more round
There's a different place
There after the nightcap
Who's into kissing, beija
Who's about fighting, capoeira
There's a different place
There after the nightcap
There's a man who turns into a monkey
And a woman who turns into a nun
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Boss, friend
Go down one more round
Commander, captain
Uncle, brother, comrade
Boss, buddy
Go down one more round