Sklmld fenrislfur

The sun is now burning with Surtarglo,
the sea is as red as blue.
Holding for victory on the eight sides,
the island is no one's stronghold. tta.
Mortal man, a little is enough,
dough is one oath against Fenris scolt.
The creature, it growls, but the words cry
can't help Hilmar's pride.
I swore up, we ate here,
the wolf was a scary sight to see.
Incredible The fire in his eyes burns,
Blowing his claws and teeth.
God and Tears are golden,
Absorbing is a weapon that does not cause .
A cutting army, sharp and sharp,
I will bring you in chains and chains.
You are weak and thin.
You are a fool and a rag.
Now I drag myself to death.
I will bind the wet.
I will break and break.
I shall be chained and fastened.
Never again will you breathe.
Your own cruelty will crush you.
The wolf now meets you ,
great are the dangers at home.
It rains all over the world,
the two enemies arm themselves.
The sword meets the black ones nnum,
hover over the heads of a raven.
The wind helps the poor,
the feeble prayer dies.
A battle is bound for the blue wolf and then now
Gelgja to speak to Gjøll and the wolf
know so use as a anchor.
My hero fixed and still has
hands with the help of fixed boats.
Could do that, both °i God and men,
divine battles are now raging.