Sklmld heima

A viking on a spring evening
watches over the river.
Fully-roasted fawns
he cuts down with the scythe.
Baldur is the name of the farmer
who grazes the river the loan.
Peaceful times, a beautiful night,
his family sleeps.
He gives a nice hot tip
to the householder.
The farmer's name is Baldur
that gives to a fat lamb.
Glad both good and men,
the gift follows him.
Weave him as a precious
watches over the sons.
The farmer's name
who bears these sons is Baldur.
He owns this heathen land:
says, tún og lækir
Baldur is the name of the farmer who
sails his bales.
Baldur is the name of the farmer
whose bales of his bales
He thanks the gods Long time,
The land is rich from the mountain and all the way to the peninsula.
His longevity has long been allowed to hang
tt we saw that there is no need to drag.
A flash in the air and soon a storm wind could
blow through the countryside terrible and cold.
By Urórbrunn Debt now binds a finless man and the man's name is Baldur.