Sklmld helheimur

Glaciers creak and the bones are cold,
blue-black darkness screams that it is now evening.
Gjallarbrú thunders and reminds in its own way.
That's why there are people out there who can't eat anything.
Condemned by elders and making no decisions,
The fingers that once fought, now chased snow.
Meaning to sleep, darkness chokes it.
There are people out there who never saw.
Hé r no one sleeps well.
Ãზ Hel.
The queen watches as the condemned lose their senses,
the day is gone and with my child I sit.
Then rin þau freeze, men she has me.
There are men out there who want to take me.
No one sleeps well here.
Nobody sleeps well here.
Life is full of light and rain,
lie small, cold ,
look at the blue Hells,
Here they sleep cold.
Here they sleep cold!.
Hell!.< br/>