Sklmld migarsormur

The sea is a red sea.
That sort of thing he lives.
Dawn and storm of death,
In the depths is a Miðgarðsorm.
Walk out to It's green now,
look what's going to pierce the depths.
The land over sea and sand
see forward to Jörmundgand
I work when leaves, courageous.
I slide the boat the first time,
I stick it again in my chest.
The second time I throw, he not bitter,
I finally touched the bait and shot up.
The bull's head Himinhrjó°s
Hilmar ormi moves, not to the good.
The forbidden friend seems to be bitten That
Gand's blood is mind-blowing.
Your beauty will follow, if
The long snake falls, every step.
Poisonous poison eats me ¡
The sea and the fish, they lose.
He throws his rod and when he catches it,
The roof crumbles and the boat shakes.
The ship must be pulled with full force,
A poor hand meets the mouth of the worm.
Rope cuts, pierces holes.
Goes through, wounds palms.
A hook tears the mouth,
The hook there cuts like a knife.
Forward they both fight,
Two brothers, exhausted, still ¡Ír.
Take it, time passes,
connect it with ropes. to the boat and straining to meet.
The leaf sticks out so that blood jumps out,
the threatening creature in the ocean sinks.
when it meets him
There we will fight.
Stand firm and great
I will stand and defend.
Agnið bit the west,
He told me swávik.
Jörmundagand, yes,
I am the one who wakes up.
Carry a climbing boat
and a boatman is called tur.
Landið takes, fleyið fastens,
They fly over several Ærests.
Aftru the creature crawls
for shelter and it waits.
The storm calmed and calmed Hilmar Miðgarðsorminn.