Sklmld mspell

Magma flows and forces are released,
rocks burn, (rocks burn).
A child dreams but nerves freeze,
tears flow (tears flow).
Brá¡ These stones and rocks float,
broken dreams, (broken dreams).
The light wails and the flame is white,
the country simmers, (the country simmers).
A fire that causes battles
glows in the evening.
Surt brings more disasters,
here fire sleeps more firmly.
Legends of The earth is in pieces.
Glaciers cry.
The ice melts on the coals. ¡ta.
Móóðir hugger áður mædda dóttur.
Múspell celebrates (Múspell celebrates).
Dance of shadows is faded and unrooted.
Dagur þagnar (Dagur þagnar).< br/>úú deyrð in the night!
(The sky is covered with sweetness,
lava flows towards us.
Black night to all eight,
evil is the darkness of Múspellsnátta). dd has stopped crying.
Breaks out of cracks, crevices and holes
a bonfire in giant rivers.
Loki gives free rein,
game sees the strong current).
We are lying on a small cutter,
the glow rises closer.
It hurts to heal the bones beri
barnung dóttir dear.
Finally I feel that a small carcass
leaves its mark, (leaves its marks).
The lava spread is over us,
my dear child, (my dear child).