Slapshock asal demonyo

Why is your vision darkening
Every path is a sign of violence
Why is it getting dark
Every time it comes
Keep me away from the black plot
Eyes of a liar
Don't look at me anymore
Salat in prayer
Don't come near me
Your horn
Cut it off< br/>Don't act devil
You crushed
My mind
Don't act devil
You are all money
Drowning that's in the middle of the fire
Opressor heart
This is the night
The dead will crush it
Eyes of a liar
Don't look at me anymore< br/>Salat in prayer
Don't come near me
Your horn
Cut it off
Don't act like a devil
You crushed it
My mind
Don't behave like a devil
You have no remorse
Your tears are dry
You drained my blood and flesh
Where is yourself
No one hears
You drained the water of the thirsty world
You have no regrets
Your tears are dry
You drained the water of the thirsty world
Your horn
Cut it off
Don't act like a devil
You crushed
My mind
Don't act like a devil
You act like a devil
go away in my mind...