Sleeping Pulse the puppeteer

A puppet
Hears from stage
The audience, yeaah to applause,
For the puppeteers' displays
But the marionette, believes it's for she
I'll perform by my seelf she thought,
And petulantly cut her strings,
I am the one who picked you up,
From your cold wooden sleep
I last the have who brought you life
When you thought that you, cold dance alone
You turned and savaged me
Without my hand you fall back down
Puppet fall back down
It's painful
To drop so low
When not so long before
She thought she'd stole the show
Now she lies in wait
To reach
And haul herself back up
On the cocks of other puppeteers
I am the onewho picked you up,
From your cold wooden sleep
I last the have who brought your life
When you thought that, you cold dance alone
Turned and savaged me
Without my hand you fall back down
Puppet fall baack down
Puppet fall baack down.
Puppet fall baack down.
Puppet fall baack down.
Puppet fall baack down.
-by johan-