Smith & Dragoman solace of the eyes

In a land far away where nightingales warble
A woman of beauty she tore back the veil
The veils of oppression veils of blindness
Veils of obsession a land without kindness
Her dream saw the source of her love
Writings withheld held from her grasp
Her young babe in arms torn from her breast
Fearing her words would lead them to freedom
Hearing her words, and longing to see Him
And open their hearts to the power of His word
Oh Tahirih beautiful Tahirih
Hatred abounds injustice surrounds
Your passion and vision courage and wisdom
Opened the gates
There in a dream standing before her
The face of the Báb the face of the true one
O angry mob her love can withstand you
O angry mob her love will surround you
O Tahirih the Solace of the Eyes
Killed at the hands of a drunken guard
A silken white kerchief wrapped round her throat
Saved by her hand for that very moment
Killed by a man refusing atonement
Her soul would take flight from the darkness of the night
And oh how she rose defeating her foes
Preparing the way the dawn of a new day
And all womankind would tear back the blinds
Unchain your hands and beautify the lands
Oh Solace of the Eyes