Smosh vader is my friend

Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is my friend.
Vader is a friend of mine!
I have a friend in Vader.
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is my friend.
Vader is a friend of mine!
He taught me how to kill, and do it easily.
He taught me I can do it when people laughed at me.
I had friends before, they've all been such a bore.
He showed me how to dance just like a whore.
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is my friend.
Vader is a friend of mine!
I have a friend in Vader.
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is my friend.
Vader is a friend of mine!
He taught me how to torture, to people had no soul.
He stabbed a guy with lightsabor and left a little hole.
They may say he's evil but I say that's a lie,
Trust me he's a super cool guy!
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is a friend of mine!
Once I tried to run, I tried to run away.
But he cut my achilles tendon with his little blade.
He is like a shark but he walks on the land.
He'll try to kill you anyway he can.
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is a friend of mine!
Vader is a friend of mine!
He will kill my family if I do something wrong.
He chokes me with his force powers when I write silly songs.
This song is silly so now I'm going to die.
He put a bomb right in my underwear. Bye.