Soulitaire embrace

And then you share with me your wishes and desires
And I get furious and mad out of the blue
And even though you are the one I so admire
I can't control the fear and harm that it may do
I can't find out where all this fear and angst may come from
I cannot see beyond my shady inner ways
But what I know is that this isn't where I come from
I'm set to seek the light not only in my days
I know that I have to embrace
the 19 year old boy in me
But I can't help but slap his face
So things will never change indeed
It's not that I won't share your wishes and desires
Sometimes I secretly allow myself to dream
But all these dreams are buried deeply in a mire
of insecurities that sometimes turn out mean
I know that I have to embrace
the 19 year old boy in me
But I can't help but slap his face
So things will never change indeed
I know that I have to embrace
the stately man i grew to be
Someday we'll live all of our wishes and desires
It may take time with me I ask you to forbear