Sound The Ruin blood

We've gone from
Exodus to building chariots with alms for the the poor
Jumping in line with the generations of the oppressed becoming the oppressors
Forcing our power on others in the name of peace
Lessons of history falling on deaf ears
Closing our eyes and (calling ourselves blind)
Our walls conjure violence
While our war calls bounce from the ceiling
Meanwhile the graves are shaking, screaming
Machiavellianism doesn't excuse an empire of greed
Killing doesn't end death
Bombs don't bring peace
Don't forget that even bad men bleed
And cry out to brothers, sisters, fathers and sons
We were taught that two wrongs don't make a right
But in a history of violence
Resident evil has taken control
Drowning out the cries of the oppressed
Condemning the other side of the same coin
Desperate to douse out the flame
But using gasoline (we're using gasoline)
We are all searching, but not all who search are lost
We are all searching, but not all who search are lost
With dead men's blood on our hands
We can still find forgiveness
With forgiveness, we can find peace
With peace there is an end to war
Blood for blood, They scream
But if we give it, it can never be taken (no it can never be taken)
We can change everything