Spasmodic eject

This continuous habit.
To make my focus increase.
Imagination riots.
Ejaculate depression.
December morning.
I completed my ritual.
But this time was different.
I was left without reward.
Today I see it clearly.
I had ejaculated backwards.
Dispersing in the bladder.
Clinging on to the upper wall.
For the next 8 weeks.
Pain during urination.
I close my eyes and
try to pull myself together.
I wonder if it got something to do with my hormones.
A female feature in my otherwise healthy chromosomes.
I wonder if it got something to do with my hormones.
A female feature in my otherwise healthy chromosomes.
Yesterdays masturbation.
Small gray lump welled out of me.
With hair, one eye, navel-cord.
Stillborn but pretty proud.
I wonder if it got something to do with my hormones.
A female feature in my otherwise healthy chromosomes.
I wonder if it got something to do with my hormones.
A female feature in my otherwise healthy chromosomes.