Speedböozer poser killing heavyweights

Everyone clears the room when we hit the fuckin' stage
Fat ugly fucks with no talent in this poser age
Too unpolished for you corporate mallcore fucks
No one will book us at all, fuck you all, we suck
We'll kick your fucking ass, we have no fucking class
You are the ones we hate, we're poser killing heavyweights
We'll spit right in your eyes, we'll smash you all like flies
The mighty and the great, we're poser killing heavyweights
We're at every single gig down in the pit raising hell
Your girlfriend's scared, and overwhelmed by our smell
We'll drag you down and smash your face on the floor
Then we'll break all your shit and kick your ass out the door
We're too metal for the punks and way too sloppy for the rest
Dried puke, sweat, and your blood stain on our vests
Stand around with your arms crossed trying your best to look cool
Fucking poser, we'll beat you face down in a bloody pool
No bullshit, no trends, no talent, no friends
We hate every last one of you, we're poser killing heavyweights
We destroy everything, we can't play or sing
We suck, fuck you, we're poser killing heavyweights