Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark pull the trigger

Spiderman, Spiderman?
Enhance genetics, Spiderman
Superhuman kinetics of Spiderman
Hustle augmentation and look at that
When bio generation, this looks like my work
It's getting out, your life's work
Your precious research getting sold
It is impossible, isn't it? It's not or is it?
Maybe it was Kassidy, you relied on loyalty
All your staff, where did they go?
And what did they take
And what did they know?
Our funding dried up, they weren't getting paid
How does it feel to be betrayed?
They're leaving like rats from a sinking ship
You're losing control, you're letting it slip
Time to get it
You've been stabbed in the back
And you're gonna roll over
Play dead or attack?
Wake up, son, someone's cheating you
You do have competition and they're beating you
So fight back, are you just gonna wait?
It's an arms race, boy, you can't hesitate
You want new men, a new breed of Marines
Not human, you want fighter machines
A new species, one that's harder to kill
And what if I won't, we'll get someone who will
Don't just think of you, think of God and country
Join the proud and few who know best for their country
Get some patriotic pride
Or get on to the other side
How do we win? By living in fear
How do we win? Get the enemy clear
How do we win? By saying it's done
In retaliation
How do we win? By clearing them out
How do we win? By murdering doubt
How do we win? 'Cause we're in a fight
Get in line or say goodnight
Don't just think of you, think of God and country
Join the proud and few who know best for their country
Get some patriotic pride
Or get on to the other side
So deliver, I ain't working for you
We want bigger, that ain't something I do
Pull the trigger, start being a man
Take care of business or get off the can
Stop thinking and you'll be in control
Start taking, you wanna suck out my soul?
Get funded or your baby won't live
I'm gonna say no, you mean affirmative
Yes sir, yes sir, yes sir, yes sir
(Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut)
1, 2, 3
Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut
(1, 2, 3)
Yes sir
(Hut, hut, hut, hut)
Yes sir
(Hut, hut, hut, hut)
1, 2, 3, sir
(Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut)
1, 2, 3