Spiral Dance black annisjardin de lumiere

By the ancient walls of Leicester town
follow the winding pathway down
don't linger for a minute or an hour
when the black moon is riding high
and the wind is screaming 'cross the sky
'tis the art of the Witches power
she's fey cursed they say beware you'll rue the day
that you strayed to Black Annis' bower
If you're on Dane Hills in the dead of night
be sure to hold your luck stone tight
for they say that the blue face hag waits near
and from the Earth where the leaves lie dead
she'll arise from her wintery bed
and with her darkness feed upon your fear
but the old crone is wise she'll shape-shift before your eyes and move her spirit through the atmosphere
For Black Annis is my name
and now that you've heard of my fame
it's with a lack of understanding you may slight me
for they say that I'm mad howling wild
but I am the earth mother's child
and I walk with the elements around me
don't forget that I the crone am much older that you know
shake the shadows from your mind and harken to me
maiden, mother, crone I be another aspect of the three
so bide your time until I call for thee