Spirit Charge the plastic key

My cell has no windows in it.
Cut my hands on the stone from digging.
Hate this fucking place more with every day that I'm given.
Take the plates that the guards give me.
Scrape the plastic with my nails and teeth.
They don't notice that I'm making a key.
Just a couple more days…
And when I go to sleep, I don't even dream.
I just wait here for the morning light
to reflect down the halls, and bounce off these bars,
so I can see.
Broke the bed. Put my foot through it.
Called the warden down to spit in his face.
He tells me I'm a disgrace,
and I'm a goddamned slave to the record I made.
I took the town down with me,
and burnt my fucking house to the ground.
I'm breaking out, you'll never see me again.
And if I come back, you can beat me so bad that I crack.
I reach into the wall where they can't see.
The crevasse where I've hidden my plastic key.
And then I wait for the light to pass.
Then I'll be working fast.
And while the prison sleeps, I start breaking free.
The bars behind me become a memory.
I slip past the guards.
And then I scale the walls.
I just can't believe that I've gotten out.
I fall to my knees.
I'm having trouble breathing.
A lack of family and friends breaks my confidence.
My eyes glance across the stars.
The salt water makes it so hard.
Oh God, I can't do this.
I'm going back inside.