Squint shadow shadow

It not like it's the first time that i went back again.
in the freezing rain in long black overcoat.
and i'm wishing, that i had gotten it right in first place.
she has a way of twisting the truth around her finger.
i hide out in the crowds where you can't see. shadow. shadow. incessantly.
i'm why you close your blinds at night. your mom tucks you in to your covers so
holding on to what we had, driving past your house and back again
just see if your light's on
calling your house just see if it rings.
a busy signal pushes me too far, flashing my brights i'm parked up on your lawn
i'm honking my horn, and the stereos on, the neighbors are bitching and cops have been called
hey? do you remember what we had?
do you remember how you promised me that i would never be alone?
hey? do you remember what you said? all on our own.'
i lurk around in the dark where you can't see. shadow. shadow. incessantly.
i'm why you close your blinds at night. why you rush up the stairs with a tingle inside
god i wish that i believed you
i wish that it was all my fault
then i could just apologize, and we could move on past this
the i could just get to the waiting for you to come back to me again
but there nothing worse then relentlessly feeling helpless. helpless.
i hide out in the crowds where you can't see. shadow. shadow. incessantly.
i'm why you close your blinds at night. your mom tucks you in to your covers so
holding on to what we had, driving past your work and back again
just see if your still there
calling your phone just see if it rings.
endless ringing pushes me too far, flashing my brights i'm following your car
and i'm honking my horn, and my stereo's screaming, bumpers are bumping, sirens are blaring
i'm why you close your blinds at night
why you rush up the stairs with a tingle inside
i lurk around in the dark where you can't see
shadow. shadow. incessantly.