StarKid Productions twisted

oh shit, where's the lamp
i've gone against my sultan
the highiest act of treaison
but i had good intentions
i did it for a reason
they'll kill me if i'm lucky
they'll torture me if not
what made me think that i could get away with such a plot
it's not too late to bring it back
perhaps i'll be forgiven
but if my crime can help improve
the world we all must live in
am i not bounded by duty
to the people of this nation
how does the golden rule aplies
in such a situation
as a citizen i think i would be grateful por the help
but if i were the sultan i should hate to be betrayed
wichever road i take only encourages someones rath
to now i've always travelled by this straight and narrow path
temptation may have becken
but i always have resisted
but which way do i turn
when the road's become so
i used to be the ruler of te ocean
i was benevolent and always kept my word
but my brother held the anticuated notion
that women should be seen and never heard
so he detroned me then dishounored me
and on top of that restoured me
to the outsiders of the kindom in a cage
took my cepter and my crown
though i tried to take him down
the truth and i now share a watery grave
the story lingers on
but the version that is drawed is twisted
a pain i know all too well
the pride had never seen
a more progressive king than me
both lions and hienas lived in perfect harmony
i brought it into what'd it'd been a senseless age of dume
i was prepared for anything excep for what insued
my brother ate my heirs
my precious couns
and stole my throne
returned the segregation
and the hatefull ways we know
though i aplicated for unity
i always was denied
so when i saw an oportunity to right for wrong
i pawd
the pride came before my fall
in a fate that one might call
well twisted
au contraire
my only crime was love
in town there was only she
who was as beautiful as me
on the inside
but then tragedy strucked
she was taken hostage in a castle filled with demonic furniture
so i did what anyone would do and i organised a rescue mission
but how was i to know that she had fallen in love with her captor
to me that doesen't seem enterely healthy
specially since he's a wolf bear thing
a buffalo monster
in a cape
but the heart wants what it wants
and sometimes what it wants
it's twisted
i only wished to reclaim what was mine (twisted)
i only wished for equal rights for all (twisted)
i only wished to save her (twisted)
i only wished to be invited to the party (twisted)
i only wished to improve relationships between races (twisted)
i only wished to teach the boy responsability (twisted)
i only wished to give the people a voice (twisted)
so he wouldn't end up like me (twisted)
i only wished to love her (twisted)
to help the miserable, lonely and depressed
to be included
to live in harmony
for one
i never knew my father
i only wished i only wished i only wished i only wished for freedom
i only wished i only wished i only wished i only wished
i only wished to have a coat made out of puppies
it's a unfortunate situation
but you do have a choice
what remains of a men
when that men is dead and gone
only memories and stories of his deeds will linger on
but if a men's acomplishes
aren't in the tale they tell
the heart that deeds go on on heralty his legacy as well
if a war breaks out tomorrow
we'll all have hell to pay
why protect my reputation
i'm a dead men either ways
how will they tell my story
how will they tell my tale
will anybody even care
the question then is weather
takes no glory in the mind
to be well liked but inaffectual
or moral but molite
i'll never be a hero
for the citizens adore
but if i hide to save my life
what has my life been for
what has my life been for
the road ahead may twist
but i will never swerve
i'll give them all the unsong
anti hero they deserve
i've got nothing left to lose
so the only path to choose is twisted
let them twist my words
let the people score me
who cares if no one will ever more me
let them bury the side of a story they'll never know
let the truth be twisted
and my life be twisted
i'll be twisted it's my turn