Staubkind endlos

Endlessly, so deep inside me
Is this cold just a feeling of you
Sorrow is destroying me
The longing holds me tight
The moment that never changes change
Powerless, so deep within me
Is this truth just a dream of yours
Pain tears me apart
Your soul holds me tight
It is the moment that makes you die.
... and I scream for you
So endlessly free from you
... and I look for you
So endlessly free from you
Endless, so deep within me
Is this cold
And I scream for you
Powerless, so deep within me
Is this truth
And I'm looking for you
Silently, so deep within me
Is this scream only the silence for you
Fear destroys me
My silence holds me tight
It's the dream that won't let you forget
Painless so deep inside me
Is this innocence
Only the lies from you
Anger consumes me
Your illusion hà Holds me tight
What makes my love die