Steely Dan ida lee

They're throwin' a party for big Ida Lee
The man from the skyway, the Chinaman and me
There's so much affection, it's making me crazy
I've grown out of reason for keepin' it neat
Everybody's laughin', everybody's makin' love
Ida Lee, it's you I'm thinkin' of
Threw out the favors, hooters and the hats
Put out the candle and blew out the cat
Oh, my temperature's rising, we're all on the chaise lounge
Big Ida Lee, she's nowhere to be found
Everybody's laughin', everybody's makin' love
Ida Lee, it's you I'm thinkin' of
Everybody's laughin', everybody's makin' love
Ida Lee, it's you I'm thinkin' of
They open the air shaft as Ida walks in
She comes up to me and whispers
Honey, where have you been?
I'm strippin' my gears, I'm blowin' my fuse
'Cause Ida Lee is givin' me somewhat more than I can use
Sort of, babe