Stef Bos afscheid

Stef Bos
The end of the eighties
The end of a beautiful time
I will no longer wait for you
I don't have regret, not reproach
The last words have fallen
On the battlefield of happiness
Cause all the things we feel
The confusion breaks it down
And I don't know if I will miss you
I don't know how things will go now
I'm alone
I just know
That it couldn't go on like this
Sometimes you don't have it
You talk less to each other
And one day you don't say anything anymore
It's a shame that it often has to be this way
But I don't know if I can help you miss
I don't know what I'm going to do now
Maybe a trip
Call it a flight
I feel I have to go somewhere
Slowly all things
Wear out over time
Then I can start over again
That's how it always goes, always
But I...
But I don't know if I can tell you can miss
I don't know what I'm going to do now
Maybe someone else
Call it a flight
I feel I have to go somewhere
But I I don't know if I can miss you
I don't know how things will go now
I'm alone
I only know
That you will continue to exist in my head