Stephen Harrison graffiti on a wall

Funny that love's just a four letter word
Written on a card or graffiti on a wall
Where it shines in the sun and the rain
For hundreds of Years
Don't you know me
I thought you knew
Thought you knew
Don't you know me
A cold explosion
Funny that love's just a four minute song
To make you feel things
Or make a songwriter rich
Am I right, am I wrong
Is my own songwriting any good
Don't you know a girl
Don't you know a girl
You thought that she would run away
She thought that you would look away
You'll buy her things
Tell her secret meanings
She will bring you out
She will build you appetite for love
Funny that love's just a four letter word
Written in a song or a poem by Baudelaire
Where it rhymes in the meaning and the feelings
From hope to despair