Stephen the Levite commissionary

Consider Jesus who exegeted the Father for us/ gave us a peak into what we'd see as He taught the Torah/ displaying meekness as He would lead us to follow orders/ He was completely obedient through the cross and homeward// His resurrection: the proof of His approval from Heaven/ His execution through crucifixion: the brutal testin'/ it was unusual, viewing this dude who wasn't flexin'/ acceptin' punishment though He's nothin' short of perfection// Why was The Sinless One willin' to let them kill Him/ march Him up to the top of the hill and hang 'em with villains/ what was the reason Jesus was beaten, leakin' His crimson/ when He could easily bring His legions to keep Him livin'/ He did it all for the glory of Him who sent Him/ for the joy set before Him enduring the crucifixion/ pouring' His blood securing a cure for the poor and sin sick/ who acknowledge the Lord as way more than a way to get rich// The gospel shows us the cross is before the crown/ though the reign future but now 'cause the Kingdom of God is ours/ Power from Heaven dwellin' among the sheep of the Shepard/ who represent Him with reverence, the reign of the King is present// If you believe that it means we need to be rich than repent/ this is the gospel of Jesus preached of the sent/ He told the Jews that their views of the Kingdom needed to switch/ they didn't expect the Servant rejected to be legit// So in resemblance to the Son of the Father/ we know that us as the chosen play roles like Prince and the Pauper/ proper it is for us to consider it as an honor/ to follow the greater Master and serve the way that He taught us// modeled for us humility, serving the Father willingly/ still in His Deity, the second person of the Trinity/ so even we, as a royal nation of priests/ gotta see that it's not beneath his peeps to scrub on some feet//