Stereolab the man with 100 cells

Refusing what you are given, you want things to be the old way
Resisting the revolutions, changes are coming anyway
Unable to thrive to change, the mask doesn't veil anymore
Strip yourself of all your riddles, do not reject all the lessons
You're not a child anymore, you're not your former self
And what's reality now? The tools you've used to get by
Aren't the keys to your tomorrows
The wind is blowing, the sea is shifting
The storm is rumbling, darkness descending
The gales are sweeping, the waves threatening
Horizon is grim, tempest arriving
Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate
Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate
Hey skipper, use your head, maneuver
Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate
Oh, the winds can blow but your sails can defeat it
The storms may rumble, we all know your hull is fit
That sea is rough now, mind you do not slip
Could destroy your ship, put a nail in it
When darkness descends, your radar will be your sight
The waves may unleash, your mast will stay standing high
You are the captain, do you feel equipped?
You have now taken the helm of your ship